
Monday, January 28, 2013

"Sustaining" to Serfdom 


"Sustaining" is merely a way for the elite to get complete control of a society. 21st century slavery, anyone?


(https colon slash slash)  goo.gl/wC9khy

Too Many Laws 


Many internet advocates are upset over the prosecution of a man who created important internet tools (Aaron Swartz). He committed suicide, rather than face years in prison (or even the possibility of being bankrupt by trying to defend himself).

Well, the news is not good. Anyone in the United States can be prosecuted for just about anything. Federal law and regulation makes everyone a felon. Read the article!


(https colon slash slash)  goo.gl/DyWYjw

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Travel Snobs 

Everything Everywhere: Around the World Travel BlogHelp Eliminate Pretentious Travel Douchebag Syndrome

Yes, it happens. Beware!


(https colon slash slash) goo.gl/6IU3Is

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What the Fed Did to You 


Yes, you have to read a bit, but this explains what has happened and what could happen.
Money quote:

"In other words, what the Fed chose to do ended up making the rich, richer and the poor, poorer. If they had not embarked on the most extreme and unorthodox monetary policy in memory, the poor would have experienced a relative rise in their standard of living and the rich would have experienced a collective decrease in their standard of living."


(https colon slash slash) goo.gl/YxamFl

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Very Important  

December 2012

Now the author of that blog is located in the UK, but the lessons learned are very apt in the United States.

Ignore these warnings at your own risk!


(https colon slash slash) goo.gl/QBO5Z8

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Not Class Warfare, Generational Warfare 


Superb posting.


(https colon slash slash) goo.gl/ymZB15

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